Numu Communications Tribal Partners


Ft. McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe

The Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation spans the Nevada–Oregon border, encompassing parts of Humboldt County, Nevada, and Malheur County, Oregon, near the Quinn River. Established on August 14, 1865, originally as a military fort to protect a stagecoach route, it was named after Lt. Col. Charles McDermitt. The area, traditionally inhabited by the Northern Paiute, Shoshone, and Bannock peoples, became an Indian Agency in 1889 and was officially designated as a reservation in 1936 under the Indian Reorganization Act.


Omaha Tribe

The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, historically situated in the northeastern part of the state, is a federally recognized tribe with a deep cultural heritage. The Omaha Reservation was officially established in 1854, and the tribe was federally recognized under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. The Omaha people are dedicated to preserving their language, traditions, and cultural practices while focusing on economic development and self-governance to improve their community's well-being.